Tag: cyborg

  • The reason behind the Mask

    One of the exciting aims I can think of for this rising of fusion of technology and fashion is the social solutions it can provide to world. Recently one of hip-hop’s fashion Icons, Kanye West became a topic of many conversations due to his wearing of masks during his Yeezus tour.  The masks were designed…

  • Techno-Fashion 2.0: Fashion Designed for the Disabled

    The concept of the cyborg or techno-fashion is not a new one to Fashioning Circuits. Fashion that has the ability to extend the capabilities of the human body is a topic that I, for one, find particularly fascinating. It may surprise the FC reader, howeve,r to learn that there also exists another perhaps lower tech…

  • Cyborgs Are People Too

    The word “cyborg” likely conjures all sorts of dystopian imagery to mind. I know when I hear it I think of Arnold Schwarzenegger in a high tech costume with guns blazing, relentlessly blasting away at Sarah Conner. That’s probably the image that most folks think of actually. However is that what a real cyborg actually…

  • Becoming Cyborg Through Techno Accessories?

    When people think of cyborgs, they might immediately go to The Terminator, and when they think of techno accessories, maybe Geordi La Forge’s Visor. At any rate, it all seems far into the future, and really, not that attractive. However, a couple of techno accessories that may debut soon could change our relationship with technology.