Tag: quilt

  • 10,003 Stitches: A Critical Making Quilt

    10,003 Stitches: A Critical Making Quilt

    By: Carlin Flores, Spring 2019 In the Spring semester of 2019, my Critical Making course with Dr. Kim Knight drove me to tackle the project I’d avoided for years: a full-size quilt. Marriam Webster defines a quilt as: “a bed coverlet of two layers of cloth filled with padding (such as down or batting) held…

  • Musical Quilts

    Musical Quilts

    By Elizabeth Fuchs, Spring 2019 When I first began conceptualizing this project, I struggled with the question of is this idea in fact critical making? Matt Ratto positions critical making at the intersection of critical thought and physical making with more emphasis towards the process rather than the final object (Ratto pars. 9-11) and yet…