A Whole New Reality

Video games haven’t changed much lately in terms of how they are played. Of course there has been amazing upgrades in terms of content and quality, however there has been little variation from the usual “hold a controller and stare at a screen” mode of play. That is all set to change though as wearable technology continues to grow.  Leading the change is Oculus VR® with their work on virtual reality goggles.

The latest in their prototypes, voted Best of CES, is the ‘Crystal Cove’.

Figure 1. Oculus VR ‘Crystal Cove’ in Use

The goggles, with additional sensors and a camera that previous versions lacked, have finally eliminated the uncomfortable, potentially nauseating motion blur that is so common with reality replication. Another improvement over previous virtual reality gadgets is the comfort and affordability that Oculus has kept in mind during design. The ‘Crystal Cove’ goggles are approximately the weight of a heavy set of ski-goggles and offer almost 110° of viewing ability although the price is not set in stone.

The use of virtual reality isn’t just confined to gaming. As this technology develops there are many other fields that could benefit including medical and military. One day we may even begin to prefer the ever-changeable virtual reality. People who have tried out these goggles are already having a hard time putting them down.

Here’s an interview with the VP of Oculus VR over the new prototype that goes farther in depth of the technicalities.


  • http://www.oculusvr.com/rift/
  • http://www.engadget.com/2014/01/09/the-oculus-rift-crystal-cove-prototype-is-2014s-best-of-c/






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