• Cardiac Rehab Patient Monitoring Jacket

    Video 1: “Cardiac Rehab Patient Monitoring Jacke” Final Project Video

  • The Ambiguity of Metamorphosis

    The Metamorphosis line from Younghui Kim is a clothing line that detects alcohol levels in its wearers. A female dress responds to the wearer’s level of alcohol consumption through the use of colorful lights and expanding sleeves, while a male’s blazer responds by an expanding collar that slides out to cover the wearer’s face.

  • The Changing Shape of Fitness Wearables: OMSignal

    By: Jade Lawson

  • Be Sun Savvy (Unless You are a Man)

    By: Justin Ozuna If you could protect yourself against cancer, would you? It turns out, in some instances, you can.

  • Spoonflower

    By: Carion Jackson

  • Sync VJ Shirt: Pulse to the Beat

    The Sync shirt is designed to amplify the VJ’s presence on stage as he/she performs for the crowd. The shirt rhythmically pluses with the beat of the songs, drawing attention to the VJ. Sync enables the performer a greater range of self-expression through the display on the entertainer’s clothing, thereby bringing more of the artist’s…

  • Date Rape Nail Polish

    Post by: Nilufer Arsala

  • The Next Level of Healthy Technology?

    With the popularity of wearable fitness devices, it has become common to see everyday consumers using devices to monitor their health and activity. Devices such as the fitbit flex  track activity such as steps, distance, calories burned, and sleep. These measurements have become fairly common today, but in comparison to the availability of fitness tracking…

  • Solutionism and Wearable Technology

    Academic Malcom Barnard begins his article “Etymologies and Definitions of Fashion and Clothing” with the definition of etymology, and then goes on to take a look at the various meanings of the word fashion. Through this scrutiny, Barnard offers value to the reader that other academics would, perhaps, miss. As wearable technology occupies a greater…

  • Why just monitor physical performance; enhance it!

    Jetpacks. Not only cool, but also an originally sci-fi concept that actually exists. The word normally invokes visions of adventurous self-propelled flyers, like in the 1965 James Bond feature film Thunderball. “What goes up must come down,” is an applicable cliché. Functional jetpacks average a flight time of about 20 seconds, but what if flight wasn’t…