Category: Uncategorized

  • Skivvies On Demand: The Automation Of…Underwear?

    Remember when lingerie shopping involved actually browsing a bricks-and-morter boutique and blushing under the judgemental gaze of snooty sales clerks? Well it seems that the lingerie boutique may be about to face the same tragic fate as the dinosaur. That is if the new underwear-on-demand company Me Undies  has anything to say about it.

  • Cyborgs Are People Too

    The word “cyborg” likely conjures all sorts of dystopian imagery to mind. I know when I hear it I think of Arnold Schwarzenegger in a high tech costume with guns blazing, relentlessly blasting away at Sarah Conner. That’s probably the image that most folks think of actually. However is that what a real cyborg actually…


    Mantyhose?  Guylons?  He-tards? Sound ridiculous yet familiar?

  • The Oscars – the world’s largest catwalk for the fashion industry and 2nd most talked about event on TV by social media

    You may have thought everyone was there to celebrate films over the last year, but in all honesty – the stories that people will be buzzing about for days after is what everyone was wearing and who made which list – the best dressed or the worst dressed.

  • Hip Hop, Skirts, and Defining Cool

    Kanye West has been in the news for his taste in women, his political accusations, and his always ill timed tantrums. But the self proclaimed “Louis Vuitton Don” has also built a reputation for himself in the fashion industry as someone with that rare talent that can make what only appears to be an effortless…

  • Gaultier Art Exhibit – Accessing High Fashion

  • Exciting Developments in Techno Fashion

    Technology and fashion are evoloving and intersecting in multiple fascinating and unexpected ways. From clothing that moves to garments that offer healing properties for the skin, techno fashion applications are literally turning the contemporary fashion aesthetic on it’s well dressed head.  Below I have compiled a few examples of recent developments in the techno fashion…

  • 3D Printers Make Haute Couture

    I have been super fascinated by 3D printers lately. 3D printers are an additive manufacturing process that, through the use of digital prototyping, print layers of material to create 3D objects using heat applied to a material such as metal or liquid polymer. While 3D printers are typically used in engineering and more technical industries, it is…

  • Fashioning Mobile Technology

    As we talk about the intersection of new media with fashion, we tend to focus on platforms supported by a full web browser; however, as mobile technologies become more widely used, we will need to expand our scope. “The “Shopping” Mindset of the Mobile Consumer”, published March 2011, find that mobile phones and tablets are…

  • Wearable Technology – what’s ready to wear

    We have talked a lot about wearable technology on this blog, but very little about what is already available out there. After a little research on Google and the Fashioning Tech blog, here are the fashion technological attires and accessories you can buy online.