• Handwashing Karaoke – Now Playing

    Handwashing Karaoke – Now Playing

    In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month,* Audra Heaslip curated a list of songs in Spanish, English, and Nahuatl from a variety of countries and regions, musical genres both traditional and modern, indigenous music, and a diversity of genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, and nationalities.”

  • Handwashing Karaoke Machine

    Handwashing Karaoke Machine

    Back in late February 2020, news about COVID-19 was steadily increasing. Much of the public health messaging at the time focused on hygiene practices and social distancing. Public figures in medical and media professions proliferated the idea that one could time one’s handwashing by singing Happy Birthday twice to know when 20-seconds had passed. This…

  • Happy 10th Birthday, Fashioning Circuits

    Happy 10th Birthday, Fashioning Circuits

    In Fall 2011, Kim Knight and a group of graduate students began meeting to explore the connections between fashion, media, and technology. Through the combination of rigorous intellectual inquiry, commitment to making practices, and investment in community education, Fashioning Circuits was born. Much has changed over the years, but these principles remain. We wanted to…

  • Quarantined Journal of Objects. Week 1.

    Quarantined Journal of Objects. Week 1.

    The Fashioning Circuits lab team is still meeting virtually during our plague semester. We have decided to engage in one word weekly prompts inspired by Cecilia Vicuña’s Journal of Objects. Participants quick create an object from materials they source from their homes. Given the glitchy distancing, we are all experiencing some members of the group…

  • Community Workshop: Make Your Future

    Community Workshop: Make Your Future

    On March 7, 2020, five days before the University announced a move to online instruction due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, we hosted a group of middle school students as part of a workshop in collaboration with UTD’s Science and Engineering Education Center (SEEC) and Girl Scouting in the School Day. We had been…

  • HASTAC Words Matter 2019 Installation

    Words Matter 2019 is a collaborative installation comprised of several component projects that each foregrounds a specific word or set of words in order to explore the many ways that words themselves matter in our social worlds. Words Matter 2019 was exhibited at the HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) conference hosted…

  • Words Matter @ HASTAC 2019

    We’ve just returned from Vancouver, BC with a lovely visit to HASTAC 2019 where we were honored to have our project “Words Matter” featured among the other amazing works in the Media Arts show.

  • 10,003 Stitches: A Critical Making Quilt

    10,003 Stitches: A Critical Making Quilt

    By: Carlin Flores, Spring 2019 In the Spring semester of 2019, my Critical Making course with Dr. Kim Knight drove me to tackle the project I’d avoided for years: a full-size quilt. Marriam Webster defines a quilt as: “a bed coverlet of two layers of cloth filled with padding (such as down or batting) held…

  • Our Technology is a Little Shy

    Our Technology is a Little Shy

    By: Atanur Andic, 10 May 2019 This paper aims to describe and analyze the making of the project called “Our Technology is a Little Shy” in the practices of critical making. This project was completed as part of the course Critical Making in the program of Arts Technology and Emerging Communication at the University of…

  • Musical Quilts

    Musical Quilts

    By Elizabeth Fuchs, Spring 2019 When I first began conceptualizing this project, I struggled with the question of is this idea in fact critical making? Matt Ratto positions critical making at the intersection of critical thought and physical making with more emphasis towards the process rather than the final object (Ratto pars. 9-11) and yet…